Swan Scythe Press

This title is out of print.

Where The Torches Are Burning

By Pos Moua

ISBN: 1-930454-11-2

Read an excerpt: “The Passing At The Canyon

Praise for Where The Torches Are Burning

Here’s a gathering of poems that plunges across rivers, oceans, and mountains, and decades of time, to be now poised and centered in the present moment. The poet is a survivor, a lover, a young father. And he is an immigrant who has already made his own deep connections with the landscape. Can you leave your place on earth without losing your heart? His question. The final poem is on the matter of eternal return, and continual emergence, the deep coming and going of which we are all part. So elegant!

— Gary Snyder

About Pos Moua

A graduate of the University of California at Davis, Pos Moua has studied with Gary Snyder, Alan Williamson, and Sandra McPherson. He lives in Merced, California, with his wife, two sons, and two daughters, and teaches English and Hmong full-time at Merced High School and part-time at Merced Community College. His works is represented in Tilting the Continent: Southeast Asian American Writing. Swan Scythe Press is honored to publish Where The Torches Are Burning, this remarkable poet’s first collection.

Contact Pos Moua: pmoua@muhsd.k12.ca.us